personal project
Limerence, a state of infatuation that borders on obsession, transforms the object of affection into an idolized figure, projecting divine significance onto every detail. This emotional intensity often distorts reality, leading to an inevitable disillusionment when the idealized image fractures.
The creative approach captures the cyclical nature of limerence, blending themes of longing, fantasy, and disillusionment. By elevating the limerent objects as deities in a visual shrine, the work explores the tension between idealization and the stark realities that follow.
Photographs of the limerent objects are cut and rearranged, symbolizing fragmented illusions. Placed on podiums, the figures evoke an ethereal, collectible quality, emphasizing their elevated status in the limerent individual’s psyche. The repetitive imagery underscores the obsessive nature of limerence, while the interplay between arrangement and dissection mirrors the emotional turbulence of desire and despair. This visual narrative invites the viewer into an introspective journey, where fantasy and reality collide in an endless loop of yearning and disenchantment.